Make An Offer Weekend sale tag graphic

What is it?

Make An Offer Weekend is a company-wide Seasonal Open House Sale aimed to attract more buyers!

Homes offering a price reduction of 5% or more AND hosting an open house during the event will be included in the promotion.

This reduction will appeal to new buyers who may not have been considering a home purchase before but see the value in this opportunity.

Next Event Dates:

March 1-3, 2024

How can I include my listing?

STEP 1: Have your seller sign the event waiver agreeing to a 5%+ price reduction AND agree to hold an open house on at least one of the event dates. Properties with previously reduced prices will be eligible as long as the reduction occurred within 14 days of the event start.

STEP 2: Process the price change as you normally would – submitting the signed waiver in Dotloop and update MLS accordingly.

STEP 3: Submit the form below.

Make an Offer Weekend - Circle Tag

Assets supporting Make an Offer Weekend are available on the Agent Help Site and in MADI. They include an editable letter, price reduction waiver, and marketing materials for promotion!

How do I convince my seller?

We have an editable letter along with the waiver for your seller to sign. You can also copy/paste the content into the body of an email to your seller and attach the waiver for them to sign.

Check out the event-related marketing materials we’ve made available in MADI to help you promote the event!

What’s My Deadline?

Option #1

Submit no later than NOON on 2/21/24 for the listing to be considered (no guarantees!) for inclusion in event ads and promotions, and to be included on the event landing page.

Option #2

Submit no later than NOON on 2/28/24 for the listing to be included on the event landing page.

Submit Your Listing


Information will be displayed on the event website and related promotional material EXACTLY AS ENTERED BELOW, including capitalization. IT WILL NOT BE DOUBLE-CHECKED, EDITED, OR CORRECTED BY THE MARKETING TEAM.

Please make sure that all information provided below is accurate, spelled correctly, and includes proper capitalization.

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© 2024 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Equal Housing Opportunity.